Author: Your Next Step

Ingrown Toenail Troubles

An ingrown toenail, also called onychocryptosis, is a very common condition that most of us can relate to. While occasionally suffering from an ingrown toenail can be a painful inconvenience, for some people, multiple toes can be affected simultaneously and repeatedly, turning an inconvenience into a constant battle against pain and infections. It’s often the […]

6 Exercises to Improve Your Balance

From learning to ride a bike to preventing falls, balance is an important skill to have, especially as you get older. Did you know that each year, 1 out of 3 people over the age of 65 have a fall? These falls can lead to serious and debilitating injuries, so it is beneficial to include […]

Treating Heel Pain with Custom Orthotics

Heel pain is one of the most common reasons why patients seek help from podiatrists. Of the many causes for heel pain, improperly supported feet are often the primary culprit. One way podiatrists can help patients achieve heel pain relief is through creating custom orthotics to place inside footwear. There are 2 types of custom […]

Melanoma on Your Feet

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, which is an important opportunity to spread awareness about the dangers of skin cancer. Although melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, does not commonly appear on the feet, when it is discovered it is often already in the advanced stages. Being able to recognize early signs of melanoma […]

Tips for Making Your Runs Easier

Whether you’ve been running for 10 days or 10 years, there is always room for improvement. Technique is definitely important, but there are many things you can tweak to make running a more enjoyable experience! Follow these tips for making your runs a bit more comfortable! Have a schedule: Don’t wait until you have time, […]

Preventing Dance Injuries

Did you know this Saturday is International Dance Day? Many dance studios, cities, and organizations have events planned to celebrate this wonderful and fun form of movement! Whether you haven’t taken a dance class in years or want to try out a new type of dance, it’s the perfect opportunity to join many others on […]

Effective Treatment for Toenail Fungus

It was easy to hide your toenails in the winter, but are they ready for sandal season? Toenail fungus can be an embarrassing and stubborn condition if you do not get proper treatment. Get help from experienced podiatrists to achieve healthier, clear nails! What does nail fungus look like? Nail fungus is caused by an […]

Preparing Your Feet for Sandal Weather

As we put the long winter behind us it is time to look forward to warm, spring days. Are your feet ready for sandal season? It’s common for the dry, cold winter season to have taken a toll on your feet, so now is the perfect time to get your feet in sandal shape with […]

Exercise During Pregnancy

Staying active during pregnancy is encouraged and healthy for both mama and baby, but it can be hard to know what types of exercise are safe. Learn about the many benefits of exercise, and tips for maintaining fitness throughout your pregnancy. Benefits: Promotes healthy weight gain Less back pain More energy Eases constipation Relieves stress […]

Getting Your Feet Ready for Spring Break

Spring break is an exciting opportunity for many to enjoy a relaxing vacation after a long cold winter. Many people ditch their winter boots and head south to warmer climates, but with the welcome change comes some foot and ankle conditions to watch out for. Avoid these common problems that arise during a warm getaway […]

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