
Preventing Dance Injuries

Did you know this Saturday is International Dance Day? Many dance studios, cities, and organizations have events planned to celebrate this wonderful and fun form of movement! Whether you haven’t taken a dance class in years or want to try out a new type of dance, it’s the perfect opportunity to join many others on this special day!

Although it can be a spontaneous and fun activity, dance involves your entire body and can lead to injuries if you are unprepared. Watch out for common foot and ankle injuries such as sprains, fractures, tendinitis, blisters, and ingrown toenails and reduce your risk of injuries through preparation.

  1. Get assessed – Before considering dance, it is best to consult with a foot care specialist to assess your foot and ankle health and identify any potential risks.
  2. Have proper footwear – Different types of dance require specific footwear, so going to a specialty dance store and getting fitted by a professional can be helpful to ensure you have the proper shoes.
  3. Stay hydrated – Prepare your body for exercise by staying well hydrated before, during, and after dance.
  4. Warm up and cool down – Properly warm up and stretch your muscles before class and cool down afterwards.
  5. Know your limits – Take it slow and stop if you feel discomfort or pain.
  6. Focus on correct technique – Having correct posture and form is far more important than how high your leg is or how many times you can turn.
  7. Take time to recover – If you haven’t danced in a long time, allow your body to recover before the next time.

Despite taking careful measures, some injuries can occur. If you experience pain, persistent soreness or swelling, see a foot care specialist to assess your injury and to get proper treatment.

Your Next Step, a podiatry practice serving the greater Philadelphia area, has a dedicated team of board-certified podiatrists who provide top quality foot and ankle care. Dr. Eric Ricefield, Dr. Mark Yagodich and Dr. Aliza V. Eisen use advanced technologies to accurately address conditions such as sports injuries, heel pain, tendon injuries, nerve issues, diabetic foot problems, toe deformities, and nail issues. Contact us to request an appointment today!

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