Category: Toe Pain

Hallux Limitus and The Strength of Your Toes

Hallux limitus is a condition that will affect the joint where your big toe connects to your foot. That is called your hallux. The condition causes problems with flexibility in the joint, and you won’t bend your big toe very well. Eventually, the inflexibility causes pain. That pain becomes worse when you walk. Over time, […]

Mallet Toe: A Forgotten Deformity

A mallet toe often gets confused with hammertoe and claw toe. It is common in your second toe because it is longer than the others though it can occur in your third or fourth toes. Like other toe deformities, it may not be so evident until you notice the pain. With a mallet toe, you will […]

3 Causes of Big Toe Pain

  Big toe pain is one of the most common complaints treated by foot doctors. Many factors can contribute to big toe problems, including injury, systemic diseases like arthritis, and structural abnormalities. 3 common causes of big toe pain include the following: Gout—This inflammation of the joints is caused by excessive amounts of uric acid […]

2 Major Causes of Toenail Trouble

Avoid potential problems with your toenails by always giving them a thorough inspection when you are trimming or polishing them. Look for signs of thickening and yellowing of the nail that may be the indication of fungal toenail infection. Redness and swelling at the edge of a toenail may be a sign of an ingrown […]

Bunions Often Become More Painful

A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the side of the big toe that gradually pushes the big toe over and into the other toes. Initially, a bunion isn’t very painful, but as the condition progresses, the pressure and rubbing can cause skin condition like blisters and corns and can also lead to […]

A Stubbed Toe Might Be Broken

Your feet and toes contain a large number of nerves and a limited amount of cushioning so stubbing your toe can feel like a huge injury because a multitude of signals are being sent to your brain but the reality is that very little damage has been done. So stubbing your toe sends a lot […]

3 Ways to Prevent Ingrown Toenails

Pain and discomfort from an ingrown toenail can sneak up on you so you may not even be sure what the problem is until you see swelling, redness, and oozing on your toe. This condition can be extremely debilitating as the nail grows into your tender toes. Sometimes it can progress to an open sore, […]

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