Category: Toe Pain

Ingrown Toenails Really Hurt

The edge of your toenail often has a tendency to grow into the soft tissue on the side of your toe, especially if you often wear tight fitting shoes like high heels. This condition can be extremely painful, and it’s very possible that it could lead to a serious infection. A leading cause of ingrown […]

Severe Hammertoes May Need Surgery

There is a multitude of situations where treating the complications of hammertoes can require the need for a surgical intervention. When the toe becomes significantly bent in the shape of a hammer to the point that corns are developing on the top of the bent digit, the pain can become unbearable. At this juncture, you […]

A Stubbed Toe Can Cause Problems

A stubbed toe can be intensely painful at the moment it happens because there isn’t any cushioning on the front of your toe to absorb the blow. Many nerve endings are in your toes so it at first feels like a severe injury even when it is only minor. But since it can be hard […]

Why is My Toe Throbbing?

An ingrown toenail can cause throbbing pain in your toe and it may not be immediately obvious that an ingrown nail is the cause of the pain. If you see redness, swelling, and oozing at the edge of your nail, accompanied by pain, especially when you press on the edge of your toe, then you […]

Learn About Ingrown Toenail Prevention

The pain, redness, tenderness, and swelling of an ingrown toenail can be quite debilitating. Not only are they unattractive, but they also really hurt! Ingrown toenails are particularly problematic for women, who have almost four times as many foot problems as men over their lifetimes. This may largely be due to the fact that high […]

The Sudden Pain of Gout

A gout attack is one of the most painful experiences one can endure. It is caused by the buildup of uric acid in the blood that crystallizes into the outer joints of the hands, wrists, knees, and—most often of all—the large joint of the big toe. This big toe pain frequently attacks at night and […]

Treating Painful Bunions

Although bunions are a very common foot condition, they tend to develop very slowly, and many people ignore the problem until the bunion has reached a more advanced stage and is harder to treat. Bunions develop when the big toe joint gets misaligned due to poorly fitting shoes, abnormal foot mechanics caused by arch problems […]

Hammertoes May Require Surgery

While a variety of conservative, non-surgical methods for treating hammertoes are available, sometimes the condition has progressed beyond the point where anything but a surgical intervention will provide the necessary relief of pain and discomfort. The surgical procedure is designed to straighten out the toe by aligning the joints and minimizing unnecessary contractions so that […]

Bad Bunions May Need Surgery

Many people develop bunions. In fact, it is one of the most common maladies treated by podiatrists. A bunion is a large bump that typically develops on the joint of the big toe, but may also affect other toe joints. When one forms on the pinky toe, it is called a bunionette. Early treatment and […]

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