Category: Heel pain

Severe Heel Pain Can Occur Suddenly

Heel pain has a wide variety of causes, many of which can happen without warning or when you least expect it, such as often occurs with the condition called plantar fasciitis that can cause severe heel pain in the middle of the night. Sudden heel pain can be caused by many conditions including the following: […]

How to Deal With Achilles Heel

The Achilles tendon is the very thick, rope-like tendon that connects the calf muscles to the top of your heel bone. Stretching your Achilles tendon too far, which frequently occurs while one is participating in sports, can cause this tendon to rupture or tear causing Achilles tendonitis. In the case of a severe injury, a […]

4 Common Causes of Heel Pain

Minor pain and discomfort in the heel will often be easily treated by common sense methods. By decreasing the rubbing and pressure from poorly fitting shoes you can eliminate many sources of heel pain. Heel pain will subside with rest and by avoiding the pressure and rubbing. If you are experiencing heel pain that doesn’t […]

3 Ways to Deal with a Cracked Heel

Having to stand on hard surfaces for long periods of time for work is a major contributor to the excess pressure on your feet that can cause layers of dry skin to build up, especially on your heels. If you are carrying packages or extra weight, this can exacerbate the effects. People dealing with skin […]

Heel Pain from Plantar Fasciitis

A complaint frequently treated in podiatrist’s offices is heel pain resulting in plantar fasciitis. While it often occurs after participating in high impact activities and sports with a lot of running and jumping like basketball, tennis, and football, it can also happen from overuse due to walking on hard surfaces all day for your job. […]

What Causes Bone Spurs?

A bone spur is a bump on your heel that can cause considerable pain and discomfort, often making routine activities like standing and walking very difficult or impossible. A bone spur can be stimulated to form as your body’s defense against the increased pressure and stress caused to an isolated area, often by tightly fitting […]

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

If you are experiencing pain in your heel after the first steps you take in the morning, or after extended periods of sitting or standing, it could be a sign that you have an inflammation of the tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot from your toes and up to your heel bone. […]

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