
Stepping Up Your Foot Health With Custom Orthotics


When it comes to footwear, custom is king. That’s why the team at Your Next Step, is so fond of orthotic inserts! Unlike generic insoles, these specialized supports are meticulously crafted to address your unique foot anatomy and biomechanics.

This personalized approach can significantly improve comfort, prevent injuries, and even manage existing podiatric conditions. Yet, with various terms and designations to sort through, it can be challenging to determine whether you need something like “arch supports” or “heel pads” instead. With this blog, we’ll break down the ins and outs so you can focus on recovery.

Accommodative vs. Functional Orthotics

Custom orthotics fall into two main categories: accommodative and functional.

  • Accommodative orthotics, as the name suggests, “accommodate” existing foot deformities like bunions or hammertoes by providing pressure relief and padding.
  • They work, too: A 2013 study published in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association found that accommodative orthotics were effective in reducing pain associated with plantar fasciitis [1].

Functional orthotics, on the other hand, aim to “correct” abnormal foot motion.

  • They achieve this by incorporating features like arch supports, wedges, and heel flares to promote proper alignment and gait.
  • This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions like flat feet or overpronation, where excessive inward rolling of the foot occurs.

Beyond Orthotics: A Glossary of Foot Support Solutions

While custom orthotics are highly effective, it’s important to understand the broader landscape:

  • Arch Supports: These address fallen arches or flat feet by providing targeted lift, promoting stability and reducing strain.
  • Heel Pads: These focus on cushioning the heel and absorbing shock, often used for conditions like heel pain.
  • Foot Cushions: These prioritize general comfort and pressure relief, ideal for people who stand or walk for extended periods.

Who Needs Custom Orthotics?

If you experience chronic foot pain, and discomfort, or have a diagnosed podiatric condition, custom orthotics might:

Wondering if custom orthotics can treat your feet? Dr. Eric Ricefield, Dr. Mark Yagodich, Dr. Aliza V. Eisen, and Dr. Cassandra Stache are ready to help you step forward pain-free! Schedule your appointment and contact us today.

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