
Keep Your Feet and Ankles Healthy While at College


As a college freshman, you’re embarking on a new chapter in your life. With increased academic demands, extracurricular activities, and social events, it’s essential to prioritize your foot and ankle health so that you can navigate your new campus terrain- literally.

At Your Next Step Podiatry, we are here to provide some tips to stay stable throughout the semester. Parents, if you’re reading, listen up!

Common Foot and Ankle Problems for College Students

  • Plantar fasciitis: This condition causes heel pain, often due to increased walking, standing, or participating in sports. If you’ve stayed sedentary all summer, consider getting into a walking regimen and get active beforehand to acclimatize your body.
  • Ankle sprains: These injuries can occur during recreational activities or from missteps on campus. Campuses have uneven terrain and can be quite hilly, so losing your footing is definitely a possibility. Be sure to watch where you walk, and pay attention to any notorious staircases, hills, or walkways that are widely known by your college.
  • Blisters, Corns, and Calluses: Yes, walking too much can cause corns and calluses, which are hardened layers of skin that form to protect the skin from irritation and pressure. New shoes, or improper-fitting ones, can lead to blisters. On a college campus, this could easily happen if you’re not taking the proper steps to stay comfortable.
  • Falls and Fractures: There are many instances of college students seriously injuring themselves on their walk to class. As we know, Pennsylvania is not exempt from the elements, which can spell trouble for procrastinating fast-walkers. Leaves can shroud uneven ground, and, of course, ice can slip you up during the winter.

The Power of Proper Footwear

Stay vigilant by wearing the proper footwear, such as boots and thick, supportive shoes. Also consider orthotics, which can provide an extra layer of reinforcement.

We recommend bringing a shoe rotation to prevent wear and tear on one pair. But leave the flip-flops at home, especially since fall is afoot. These offer minimal support and can contribute to injury.

Dr. Eric Ricefield, Dr. Mark Yagodich, Dr. Aliza V. Eisen, and Dr. Cassandra Stache are ready to help with all your foot care needs. Schedule your appointment and contact us today!

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